Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Little Miss Lily

Lily has been sick for a few days. She woke mom up two nights ago about 2 a.m. She said her ears hurt. Mom took her temp and it was over 102! Mom started pushing tylenol and Mandy took her to the Dr. the next day. They told her she had a double ear infection and possibly strep. They sent her home with a broad antibiotic and that was it. That night she continued to run a temp and so Mandy decided to take her to Children's Hospital. I am so glad she did, because she has pneumonia! She has been so brave. Lily didn't cry when they did her IV, or her x-rays. I am so proud of her. I went over today and stayed with her while Mandy & Travis went out for lunch. I felt bad that they had to wait so long to eat, but I HAD to stop and get Lily a goody bag. Lily and Hannah both love disposable cameras, so I got her some of those. It's always a surprise to see what kind of pictures you get back. Since Friday is Halloween and she is super sick I doubt she will be going trick or treating, so I got her some candy. Hopefully she will be able to come home tomorrow. Please keep her in your prayers.
She was showing me her IV. For a 5 year old she has done really well with it.
Around 6 p.m. tonight she felt well enough to get out of bed. I think she was wanting to go to the playroom down the hall.

Watching TV. I am pretty sure we watched the same Hannah Montana episode twice.

Here she is relaxing during a game of memory. I kept asking her how she felt and she kept saying "tippy I am fine" in her big girl tone.

Her school sent this puppy and balloons to her today. I wish I had taken a picture of her face when she saw it. It's the small things in life that mean the most to her.

Sad Face

Happy Face