Monday, September 15, 2008

The Garage

Everyone or almost everyone has heard me talk about the garage. Tim's family is building a garage behind their house with an apartment in the top for him. Tim started this project July 4th, 2007 and its still in process. I had no idea what a long process this would actually be. These pics are from last summer when everything was going fast. It has come a long way since (i will post pics soon) and is still not finished. As of today it still lacks interior doors, kitchen appliances and furniture. We don't have anything moved in yet. Now for the postive...... the walls are up and painted, the flooring is almost done with the exception of the bathroom, the air/heat unit is in and working and we have most of the furniture (in storage)! Tim is ordering the interior doors today and hopefully he can have those in by the end of the week. I sure hope so because my sister's wedding is this weekend and we will be out of town. Lowe's has become my new favorite store! lol Okay not really, but we have spent a lot of date nights there lately. Pretty sure the staff knows us on a first name basis. I promise to post some updated photos soon.

Mart decided to help the kids finish their project.

Tim and Shawn were supervising!

Look at little Leah in the sand (I think she was supervising them)

The kids just liked playing in the sand.

Bethany was hard at work.

They were over there a pretty good while before anyone knew they were missing ( I guess thats what we get for letting the men watch the kids).

Keith was living danderously. Pretty sure he wasn't using a saftey harness.

Tim was taking a break. It was so hot this day that I only came out to take pictures and went right back in. I am not an outdoor kinda girl

Leighton was helping Bethany and Hannah build a ladder up to the window. I promise those children worked for about an hour on the ladder. At the end they actually had a made a fairly functional object. Apparently Leighton has been paying attention!

So many people have helped with the garage.

Obviously, Papaw Thurman and Mart did not come to help this day. They crack me up! Papaw is showing his cane off!

I can remember being there on this day. I just kept thinking work faster work faster I want a to put up a Christmas tree this year! Well we didn't get our first Christmas tree, but it has come a long way since this day.

If you had told me on this day that it would be more than a year later before we could even think about moving furniture in I would have laughed at you. However, here we are over a year later and yet to move in the first piece of anything.