It's been a week. A long week. A sad week. A boring week. Who knew that my life was so totally consumed with all things Tim. I realized that we spent quite a bit of time together, but not this much.
Thanks to Kristy, Kel and my wonderful family, I have stayed super busy this past week. I think they knew that if I just sat and thought about it all, I would never recover. Despite all their efforts I was still unable to sleep most nights. Actually, it turned out to be a great thing. I have been able to play with my new editing software. Here are some of the images that I practiced on.

Someone sent me a nasty e-mail (yes I know another one!) yesterday about my photography. Apparently I am trying to copy Southern Charm Portraits, and steal their business. I just wanted to set the record straight. I didn't ask Santa for a big nice camera so that I could put Southern Charm out of business. Lets get real folks. Go look at their pictures and then look at mine. You can see the difference I asked Santa for a nice camera because I like to take pictures. T Sharee Photography is a fun hobby I started when I got the camera. Daniel and Rebekah are my friends. We work very close with each other on relay for life things and they are super great people. I value their friendship and in no way want to damage it. By the way just a note....when you send an e-mail to someone make sure that you erase your signature from the bottom. Otherwise I know who you are. Furthermore, I know why you did it. All I can say is grow up!!!! Sorry just had to get that out!!!
On that note everyone have a great weekend. I am sure going to try! Oh and by the way as of 5:01 I am officially on VACATION!!!!!!
On that note everyone have a great weekend. I am sure going to try! Oh and by the way as of 5:01 I am officially on VACATION!!!!!!
I personally happen to love the pictures you did of Daria. They were very very good. You were great with her as well. She took right to you like she had known you forever. That doesn't happen with most photographer's and her. If she hadn't liked you she wouldn't have been such a great sport about having her pictures taken and she would have given you alot of fake smiles. That she did not do. I personally know first hand that you don't try to steal anyone's ideas at your shoots you pretty much ask for the client is asking for and you go from there point of view. Thank You Tiff for doing such a great and wonderful job!!!
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