What is the best medicine for a broken heart???????? A shopping trip of course!!!! Kristy and I took her new ENGAGEMENT RING over to k-town yesterday to be sized. Ummm girls I can't wait to post a picture of her ROCK! I am totally in love with it!! After we dropped her ring off we headed to the mall. We were really trying to get home before 6 p.m. so we just had a quick lunch there. Cajun Cafe was so yummy! I hadn't had any bourbon chicken in months! It was so good.
Anybody else shop at Wet Seal? It had been a while since I had been in and lets just say I really really need to go more!!! I found the cutest "dock top" for less than $20!!! (FYI "dock top" is a cute shirt for me to wear on the weekends when I go out to the boat dock) Old navy had all of their sundresses out and on sale. Of course the one I got wasn't near being on sale, but the flops I got to match were. Hey my heart is broken and I am sad.........buying a new non on sale sundress is just what I needed. It's not exactly patriotic as its yellow, but I am still going to wear it on the 4th.
Getting my oil changed wasn't exactly how I wanted to end the shopping day, but I had to. It was almost 2000 miles over!!!!! My parents always say that an oil change is the life of your car. Keep the oil changes regular and you will be amazed at how long your car can last you. Yeah ok well I can't remember things like that. I am a girly girl and the last thing on my mind is my car's oil. I am trying harder and will do better. After a quick trip to the gas station we headed home.

I spent the rest of the evening taking pictures of Kristy and Kelli playing basketball. They are too funny!!!! I promise to post pictures soon.
Day 5 went by and I survived. Day 6 is here and I am sure I will survive it too. Still I miss Tim. Wonder if this feeling will ever go away???? A full night's sleep would be awesome. Oh and my full appetite would be nice too. If I could just stop thinking about him, I would be fine!!!
The weekend can't get here soon enough. Actually next week can't get here soon enough! Oh and we decided not to go camping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Awww I am sooooo sad. NOT! Because it was just going to be a bunch of us girls going, we thought it might be a good idea to postpone. They had zero problems convincing me!!! Ha Ha! I am thinking we may head out to the dock for fireworks and french fries instead. I love the french fries at the dock. I promise to post pictures!!!!
Thanks for all the prayers folks! I really can feel ya'll praying.
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