This Sunday marks a month since Tim and I have been broken up. A few nights ago I spoke with him. The simple and short version is this.......he is no longer in love with me. Those are his words not mine. Can you believe that I didn't break down? I promise I didn't. It seems odd, but I finally felt like I had the closure I needed to move on.
Remember me saying that I wasn't praying for us to be back together? I wasn't. I prayed for the Lord's will to be done and for strength if Tim decided that he didn't want to come back. Not only did the Lord give me strength that night, he also gave me the most peaceful night of sleep that I have had in a month. Doubt me? Go ahead! I know that God has been here the whole time. He has held my hand each time that I felt like I would die. I don't know what people without God do. How do they survive?
Now I am not going to lie and say that I am magically fine and dandy. I am not. My heart was not healed overnight. My memories of Tim and the things that we did have not been erased. Missing him is a daily feeling. I still love him and probably always will. Not in a psycho-stalker way, but when you spend everyday with someone for 4 years you are always going to be connected to them. Moving on is never easy, but I am really trying.
Speaking of moving on..............................................................................................................................
Here is a picture of the infamous B!!!!! Can you tell he is an "outdoorsy" kinda guy? Don't worry gals he knows full well that I am NOT an "outdoorsy" kinda girl! Believe it or not he totally doesn't care. I stole this picture from his facebook without his permission so lets not tell him!!! Stay tuned for more photos from this upcoming weekend! Only 2 more days........shew the weekends are never long enough!!!!

Wow how do you just fall out of love. I have never really understood that. Oh well his loss. One thing is for sure God has a plan and God puts people in our lives for a reason. Can't wait to hear the next chapter of your life. God Bless!!!!
I totally understand. HE did the same for me and I'm glad HE is taking care of you!
You go girl! I know the Lord is with you and am so glad that you are at peace. I know sometimes we look back and think I'm glad that happened......
B Looks like a neat kind of guy.
I so did not realize that it was that B... Why did you not just email me and tell me his last name. Hello we went to school with him forever until he switched back to Jellico. With a few of the other Creek Boys. I think he is a great guy!
On to the other, Tiff I love you and I am glad you are handling this okay! If you need me I am here for you. I know that God was there with you. He done it for me to a few years ago. Except I was the one that walked away not him. I did it for my own good though. The guy I am talking about turned to drugs instead of God and that was a road I wasn't willing to go down. But I have faith in you that you can make it through this just fine.
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