Keith Urban and Sugarland are coming to Knoxville next Friday!!! Am I going? Nope......I have a prior engagement.....plus the tickets are $75 each. Sorry but I really don't like either of them enough to cancel my plans or pay that. Now if it were Rod Stewart or somebody cool like that we might talk. Ha Ha My mama is a huge Rod fan and so am I. I have always heard that whatever you listen to while you are pregnant will rub off on the baby. That rings true in my case!!!!!
Anyway WIVK has tickets on sale today from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. for $20. They are calling this promotion Rock the Rafters. The name says it all. Pretty sure Keith is going to look like an ant to anyone who purchases one of these tickets....still you will be in the same arena with him!
So if you are anywhere remotely close to good ole K-town or will be next Friday head on over to
www.wivk.com to purchase tickets. Have fun!!!!
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