Let me introduce you to Holly and her amazing abilities. Alexis I thought of you when I first found Holly's ETSY store. How adorable would Matty be in a couple of years running around in a cape???????
I asked Holly to co-sponsor a giveaway with one of her fabulous capes. Holly said that she would love to, but right now she is covered up making capes for Make-A-Wish children. Isn't that great? Even though Holly can't do a giveaway I still wanted to feature her awesome support to this foundation. I asked Holly to send me some info ,and here is what she said:
Each office for the Make A Wish Foundation has a 'closet' that is opened for wish kids and their siblings. Each is allowed to choose an item. I donate capes for the closet whenever they need them (I send 20 or so at a time). I love to hear when they're out and need more! In the past, when I made other items, I donated a portion of my sales from craft shows to Make A Wish, so I've been donating to them for about 10 years now. They're a great organization doing wonderful things for kids.
I have heard of photographers setting up photo shoots with families of these sick children. These sessions are free. I am in the process of looking into doing this myself.
I thought how great is Holly to do this. We should all be so generous!!!! So I am asking each of you to look into a charity of your choice. If you can't donate money, then find another way to help. Even if its just blogging about that charity, that is helping. I look forward to learning more about the charities close to your hearts.
If you have a product that you think Make-A-Wish children would enjoy please contact Holly!!!
Thanks Holly!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha! That's so funny that you thought of me, but not because of Matty. My nephew thinks he's going to grow up to be Superman. He's been tying my niece's dress up apron around his neck and "flying" around the house. Not very MANly, but definitely SUPER.
We've been meaning to get a jump start on Christmas shopping. I'll keep this in mind!
And who knows? Maybe he'll pass it down to Matty once he's old enough to play with it, and your prediction would have come true!!!
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