Don't forget about the rummage sale we are having for Relay for Life this Saturday. Monica told me yesterday that they have an entire room full of things at the LaFollette branch. Cindi has two girls under 10 and has donated tons and tons of their clothes. I have rummaged through my cloeset for two weeks. My mother would kill me if she knew that I was donating brand new clothes with tags on them, but honestly I will never wear these things. Her style and mine are very different. I love her, but not the clothes she buys me. Anyway come check out all the name brand items! Remember that 100% of the proceeds go to Relay for Life. Donations are still being taken and will be up until that morning. The rummage sale is at the LaFollette branch of First Volunteer. We are starting at 8 a.m. and ending around 2 p.m.
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