This past weekend we celebrated Carrie's Birthday in a BIG way. When I say big I am really referring to my hair. It was huge! Thanks Miss Ella! Carrie wanted an 80's themed bash, and I think we were able to deliver. The night started with dinner, then bowling and ended with a trip to Southbound.

Ella, Mack, Carrie, Jada and me

We love to pose!

Macon came as Joe Dirt, but found his shirt at Goodwill and it already had the initials EWL monogrammed on the front pocket. So we made up a new name for him......Ernest Wade Love.....and that's what we referred to him as the whole night. Drew reminded me of Hawaii Five O or a super cool frat boy. Poor Brandon he just looked like a pedophile in his windsuit.

My blush was a bit much. I just want to add that everywhere we went people thought we were too funny! At the bowling alley a couple of little girls came over and got all of our autographs. It was the funniest part of the entire night!

Me and Juicy!

Whitney, Me and Kristen

Birthday girl!


Me and Ernest Wade Love

I had to have a picture with Hero and his windsuit!

The girls

Miss Mack