Ok so the quality of these pictures isn't the greatest, but I haven't updated the blog in soooo long.....so bad is better than none. Well according to me anyway.
Did everyone have a happy new year? I sure did! I brought in 2010 with two of the coolest girls ever................Hannah and Lily. We spent the night baking (burning) cookies, making hashbrown casserole and cards for deployed soldiers.
I recently joined a mailing list of addresses for deployed soldiers. I was given two names, Aaron and Trevor. No word from either of them yet, but internet access isn't always available to them. Hannah and Lily totally got into making these cards. It was sooooo sweet to listen to them talking to each other about these soldiers. While we were eating dinner Lily asked me what Trevor was probably eating for dinner tonight. I said well I don't know, but I will ask him. Then later she asked me if Trevor would want to hear about her soccer team. Trevor's bio said that he likes all sports and when I told her soccer was on his list she got super excited. She wants to send him a soccer ball in the care package. Wonder where I can get a deflated one?
If anyone would like the name and address of a soldier (or 2) let me know. Right now the list has about 80 names left.
Happy new year everyone.....and just so you know my resoultion is to blog more!
Now I am off to catch an episode or two of Sex and the City, then off to bed!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Posted by T Sharee at 9:59 PM 0 comments
Friday, December 4, 2009
What's on the other side of your front door?
Posted by T Sharee at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
In God I trust
So it's 2 a.m. and I am up. Why? I wish I could tell you why. My eyes aren't the least bit tired and my body isn't screaming at me to pour myself into bed. I just watched two episodes of Sex and the City and got lucky enough to catch the Sex and the City movie on HBO. I heart this movie......even if it does make me cry each and every time I watch it.
Speaking of things that will make you cry..........I am asking all of you to check out a blog that I follow www.littlegreenpastures.com and read their story. Just a quick overview.....Ryan and Bri Morrison had sextuplets, but only one survived. Sylas, their precious baby boy is awesome. They also have another miracle to celebrate, Ivy. Their story is one of heartbreak and happiness, and through it all they have never lost their faith. I think that's the most important thing.
Sooooooo Christmas is coming up, and......................I am not looking forward to it. Don't get me wrong I love spending time with my family, but this is the first year that I have been "alone" for Christmas since I was in my teens. See for me Christmas isn't about gifts, it's about spending time with the people you love. It's about having someone to share moments with. I'm not saying I "NEED" a guy to be happy during the holidays I am just saying that I enjoy having that person to share them with. I know I am not alone really, I have my awesome family and amazing friends, but I don't have that person. Ahhhh I sound like Kate Gosselin! I can't help how I feel. Feeling how we feel isn't logical, it's emotional. I've never been very good with controlling my emotions. Sooooo instead of focusing on what I don't have, I am going to be thankful for what I do. I have family and friends who are there for me day in and day out. I have faith in God and all that he can do. On top of all that I have high hopes for my future. My theory is simple............keep my faith in God, trust him and his path for me, surround myself with that awesome family of mine and those amazing friends, and to never ever give up or give in. Simple enough? I guess we will see.
Posted by T Sharee at 11:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Catch up!
Who has missed me? Yeah yeah I know I have read all your e-mails and comments. Ya'll have been so worried, and I really appreciate the concern! Well lots and lots have been going on so lets get started.
First I am no longer employed. I would like to talk about it, but for legal reasons I cannot. Just so you're not totally in the dark, I have been job hunting for the last six months. So I am not in the least bit upset about no longer being employed at FVB. Yes, I wanted to have a job to go to when I quit, but it didn't work out that way. I have spent the last two weeks going on SEVERAL job interviews and internship interviews. When I say several I mean several. Over the past couple of months I have heard so many people talking about the job market and how slim it is. Ummmmm sorry I don't buy it! There are plenty of jobs out there, you just have to get off the couch and go look. Thankfully, I am well qualified and educated so interviews have been pouring in.
Ohhhh and just for the record 99% of the e-mails have asked about a guy in my life. I don't have one right now so to speak. I have a major crush (yeah cause I am in middle school lol) but nothing has happened. He is an amazing guy and has been a major part of my life for quite some time. But just so ya'll know I have decided to be more private with that part of my life. It just seems like that part needs to be between me and the guy. Ya know? I would appreciate your prayers though. This guy is great and I could use all the prayers I can get for this to work out. I would be the happiest girl in the world if it did.
Since it's Sunday night let's recap the weekend. Friday night was movie night. We saw Blindside and it was awesome. If you haven't seen it yet......GOOOOOOOO! It was great. It was nice to see Phil Fulmer in it and so much talk about Knoxville and good ole Tennessee.
Saturday night the whole crew headed to Hooter's for fight night. Luckily we got there early and saw the end of the game. Tennessee beat Vandy and I couldn't be more proud of Lane! Mr. Kiffin has really impressed me, and I am not just talking about his looks. LOL Kristy and Brian's fighter won too. So except for Kristy's wallet getting stolen it was a great night.
Today has been my lazy day. Well if you can call filling out applications for internships lazy. Who knew internships required so much paperwork. One required 12 letters of recommedation. I will never be able to thank those 12 people enough.
Tomorrow is a new day and I am excited. Yes, I could be depressed, sad, scared or even mad that I am jobless and guyless, but really how would that help? No, Instead I am choosing to be postive, proactive and faithful. Faithful to God, because I know he has a plan for me. He never closes one door without opening opening another. I know that he has an awesome plan for me in both of those areas, so I am just going to see what happens. Isn't it amazing to just let go and let God?
Your prayers are welcome and wanted! There are several job opportunities that I have been working on for more than 3 months, andI could really use some extra prayers! Also in the guy department!!!
Posted by T Sharee at 9:14 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Bows Bows and more Bows!

Posted by T Sharee at 11:46 AM 2 comments
Who's ready for a giveaway?
1. One entry will be given for each comment you leave.
2. One entry will be given if you are a follower.
3. One entry will be given per friend referral.
4. If that friend becomes a follower then you will be given another entry and so will they.
5. The first person to leave a comment on the post will be give 5 extra entries!
Posted by T Sharee at 10:51 AM 2 comments
Purple Cows on Pins and Needles

Posted by T Sharee at 7:13 AM 2 comments
Tell me what you think?

Caroline Wozniacki, a 19-year-old Dane ranked sixth in the world, retired from the first-round match at the Luxembourg Open with a hamstring injury on Wednesday while leading Anne Kremer of Luxembourg 7-5, 5-0.
... The father's comments during the match led to a surge in online bets for Kremer to win.
Wozniacki did a tremendous thing for Kremer by allowing her to advance to the second round in front of her hometown fans. As she explained:
In all likelihood, Caroline Wozniacki will be cleared of any wrongdoing, but it's still disappointing that she's set to be investigated for integrity after a gesture which showed how much of it she really has.
Posted by T Sharee at 5:35 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
No reality for this fantasy
Posted by T Sharee at 8:36 AM 1 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
What a small world!
Anyway I was contacting all sellers from the Knoxville and Oak Ridge area and have had an awesome response. I can’t believe how many vendors are coming just from ETSY! Ok back to the point…………………………………….
One vendor emailed me back to say that she was actually originally from my area and would love to be a vendor at the event. We talked back and forth through about 20 emails and finally she said Ummmmmm is your mama named C***** and your sister named C*****……
I said ummmmmm yea………….
She said then is your daddy named S****?
Again I said yes……… by this time I was racking my brain trying to figure out who this was.
She said well my daddy was your daddy’s brother, but he died a long time ago………….
Can you imagine how shocked I was to find my long lost cousin after years and years of no contact? And to find her on ETSY of all places! It really is a small world after all.
I am super excited to see her, and I know my daddy will be too.
Before I forget here is her website www.sprinklebakes.com check out her amazing creations!
Posted by T Sharee at 10:04 AM 4 comments
Monday, October 5, 2009
Still here
Posted by T Sharee at 11:13 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Uh-oh a new addiction

Posted by T Sharee at 7:36 PM 3 comments
Monday, September 14, 2009
Giveaway time!
Posted by T Sharee at 7:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 11, 2009
Decisions decisions decisions
Posted by T Sharee at 6:55 AM 6 comments
Who needs sleep................
Ya'll know how much I hate posts without pictures, but my camera is in no shape right now, so I apologize............
It's late and I am tired, but somehow my brain thinks it's blog time. Not sure where this energy is coming from, but I am not wasting it. Today seemed like the longest day ever. Since I had school tonight I didn't take a lunch. That way I could leave an hour early and have plenty of time to grab dinner and actually make it to school on time. (Yes Mother I was on time, even 10 minutes early)
Sooooooo I walked into class with my giant Wendy's cup (full of way too much sugar) in one hand, and my laptop.... handbag.... notebook......north face.....and of course cell phone in the other. (Just walking to class carrying all my junk nearly gave me a heart attack) For some reason my laptop has to be on life support at all time, so I spent my whole 10 "early" minutes trying to find a seat near an outlet. When I finally found one I realized that my cell phone was dying....ahhhhh!!! So then I had to relocate to find another outlet. Ummmmmm is school really suppose to be this much work?
This class is interactive and I love it. It's nice to not have the teacher staring at you!! So imagine if you will......me sitting at a table with my laptop on facebook, feet propped up, snacking on a snickers bar and listening to a lecture about today's business world............life's good! Now it's not all fun and games. Interactive classes are sometimes harder for me because I don't have the teacher right in front of me to ask questions. By the time I say my name, what campus I am at, and wait for the camera to find me I have already forgotten my question....... Oh and Mother (yes I know you read my blog) I didn't stay on facebook the whole 4 hours of class. We get breaks ya know!!!!
At the start of hour 4 of 4 my lovely professor ask us to form groups and work on our business plan. Apparently the business plan is the final in this class. Anyway there are only 5 people in my class. Scott county only has 2 and Roane County has 1. He wanted us to be in groups of 2, but I think we have him convinced to let us do one team. Oh how I hope we do!!!! Who knew making a business plan could be so challenging?
I was never so glad to see 9:30 in all my life!!!!
So here I lay in my nice warm bed....awake. It's almost 1 a.m. which is only 12 B's time. Wonder if he is still awake. No probably not! Okay I am off to try and fall asleep, and if I can't there's always online shopping..............................................
Posted by T Sharee at 5:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Posted by T Sharee at 5:12 PM 3 comments
Doodledots Giveaway

Posted by T Sharee at 3:45 PM 2 comments